コスメ情報だけじゃない。写真が美しい、インスタグラムの ビューティ アカウント 3選

新しいコスメを買う時 – 機能も見た目も価格も、知りたいし見たいし比べたい!

こだわりが強いわけではないのに、なかなか決断するまでに時間がかかる – そんな私のビューティ情報源は、最近はもっぱら、ビジュアルとレビューが溢れるインスタグラムに。







Pic. 2 — Mini Jars 1. @lamer — Moisturizing Soft Cream. I included it here because it is the cutest little thing. I have it in full size and am not going to surprise anyone — it is so hyped for a reason. #gc_lamer 2. @kiehls — Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream. I found it a little too sticky and heavy but I don’t want my feelings to stop you from trying it — it may work for you, I heard it is a good product. 3. @freshbeauty — Vitamin Nectar Mask. Imagine putting an orange jam on your face. The one that has a bit of a zest in it. Some might find it pleasurable, I couldn’t enjoy it. Ew! 4. @peterthomasrothofficial — Blue Marine Algae Mask. I love the jelly texture here and the color but I couldn’t understand what it does. No change afterwards. I would give it another chance! 5. @tataharper — Resurfacing Mask. I liked the effect — skin is brighter and tighter, probably the only product on my hand (except La Mer) that I would purchase in full size! What do you think?

Gelcreamさん(@gelcream)がシェアした投稿 –

Vol. 3 — Transparent Series Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil by @paiskincare, $40 #gc_pai #gc_oils

Gelcreamさん(@gelcream)がシェアした投稿 –

Pic. 2 — Mini Jars 1. @lamer — Moisturizing Soft Cream. I included it here because it is the cutest little thing. I have it in full size and am not going to surprise anyone — it is so hyped for a reason. #gc_lamer 2. @kiehls — Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream. I found it a little too sticky and heavy but I don’t want my feelings to stop you from trying it — it may work for you, I heard it is a good product. 3. @freshbeauty — Vitamin Nectar Mask. Imagine putting an orange jam on your face. The one that has a bit of a zest in it. Some might find it pleasurable, I couldn’t enjoy it. Ew! 4. @peterthomasrothofficial — Blue Marine Algae Mask. I love the jelly texture here and the color but I couldn’t understand what it does. No change afterwards. I would give it another chance! 5. @tataharper — Resurfacing Mask. I liked the effect — skin is brighter and tighter, probably the only product on my hand (except La Mer) that I would purchase in full size! What do you think?

Gelcreamさん(@gelcream)がシェアした投稿 –

Vol. 3 — Transparent Series Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil by @paiskincare, $40 #gc_pai #gc_oils

Gelcreamさん(@gelcream)がシェアした投稿 –





続いて、写真のどこかに必ずピンク色が入っているこちら。スキンケア中心。圧巻の量の化粧品!まだ若い学生さんのようだけど、すでにどこかのビューティ エディターかと思わせる存在感。


✨Cold Hard Truths About Being A Skincare Junkie✨ 💎Hiding your collection from non-skincare friends because they wouldn’t understand why you need 10,000 products. Yes I need them all. 💎Taking a field trip to your local Home Depot in hopes of upgrading your skincare cabinet I mean medicine cabinet 💎Being out and about when you suddenly spot a stranger with an ethereal glow – instantly wishes you had an app that gives you insight on their skincare items 💎Spending your life on the internet searching for the perfect organizers in order to make room for new skincare babies 💎Attempts to declutter skincare collection by swapping some of your skincare to a loving home but ultimately ends up obtaining more skincare 💎Actually considering training your face to be not as expressive because experiencing emotions can cause wrinkles 💎Realizing that you are very expressive and training would be too difficult *googles antiaging skincare and when to get botox* 💎Spends hour organizing skincare collection into a showroom display – does a routine and it suddenly turns back into a disorganized nightmare 💎Beating your spouse/boyfriend/parents to the mailbox in order to hide your haul. Sephora VIB sale happens twice a year and I deserve it. 💎It’s ‪Friday night‬ and your idea of unwinding after a long work week is triple masking while watching netflix and cuddling with your cat 💎Not feeling bad about investing in your skin because self care is super important 💎No one in personal life is into skincare makes IG account to connect with other skincare addicts ✨Wanted to poke some fun at my addiction✨

Adriさん(@sortofobsessed)がシェアした投稿 –





最後は、世界中のインフルエンサーの化粧台や洗面台を覗いちゃおう!というコンセプトで展開されているTHE FILE のインスタグラム。高校生の頃、雑誌の「コスメ ポーチの中身」特集で、気になるあの人のアイテムを見て真似っこしていた感覚を思い出す。ひとりひとりの人となりが出るリアリティのある目線が好き。


Basically all our favourite things in one cupboard 👋🏻

THE FILEさん(@the_file)がシェアした投稿 –

Basically, all our favourite things on the one sink 🤘🏻💕@taraleydon

THE FILEさん(@the_file)がシェアした投稿 –







写真を通して個性が光っていると、人が集まり、コメントを通して情報も更に増える。美意識も情報も詰まったインスタグラムのビューティ アカウントは、もしかしたら美容雑誌を超えているかも。



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