What I like best about San Francisco is San Francisco.” – Frank Lloyd Wright
San Francisco is definitely one of a kind. It’s not like New York City or Tokyo, two cities that have somewhat more wet and dark textures, but also, it’s not just simply a radiant West Coast city. The vibrant color scheme on a sunny day, the interesting adoption of Asian cultures, and the mixture of old and new – all were represented in the signs.

When I was there, I felt like I was walking through the world of a motion picture. As I passed each building, there was always a distinct colorful sign in front of me, behind me, and above me.

I hope you all can feel the idiosyncrasy of San Francisco’s luminous hued world presented in this entry: “TECHNICOLOR“.

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This is going to be the last episode of “SIGNS: WHAT THEY TELL YOU” from San Francisco. I’m very happy that I am finally able to showcase the pictures that I took this summer, and I’m also thrilled to update more pictures of signs in the future, from other places where I get inspired.



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