My husband has been re-watching the old TV series Twin Peaks every night. I’m not into it, but I am interested in the show from a perspective that’s different than my husband’s, probably.
Twin Peaks has come back with a new season recently, and my husband is so excited to see it. In the meantime, he has started watching the original seasons over again, and something about the show catches my attention even though I just half-watch it.
The show originally started in 1990. After that decade ended, nobody thought that 90’s fashion would make a comeback, EVER. In the history of fashion, the styles of the 90’s are usually considered a big misstep.

However, to me, the fashion in Twin Peaks keeps grabbing my attention! Oversized sweaters, Peter Pan collar blouses, flared or circular skirts, mid-calf boots, and brogue oxfords. I love how they style tartan plaids, as well as the look of tops tucked into skirts. The girls’ make up and hairstyles are also cute.
My favorite girls are Donna and Audrey.


It’s been fun to think about how to bring the styles from a small town in Washington State in the 90’s to NYC in 2017. I would love to do Donna’s style. Who is your favorite?